When you start to work with the larger firms, you'll find that the compensation reporting can get a bit tricky. There are multiple ways of compensating attorneys. The most common...
The topic for our weekly meeting on Wednesday at the Accountant's Law Lab, our private invite-only group, is attorney financial reports and compensation reporting. What reports does an...
Are you looking in the rear view mirror to determine your law practice's forward trajectory? That's what a lot of us are doing if we are using a cash flow report or looking at our financial...
We have just switched over to a new year. I think we can all agree that last year was challenging. Some clients saw a surge in their revenue, and many customers did not. The was very...
As we wind down 2020, it has been an interesting year for sure. Some clients thrived, while others struggled with closed courtrooms. The one resounding message I get from my clients is...
If you're starting a new bookkeeping firm, pricing is probably one of the more difficult things you have to learn. When you niche your practice, you have the ability to become an expert in...
Pricing client work, especially when you're first starting, can be challenging. Finding precisely the right amount to invoice, it's a finesse skill. It comes with practice. Give yourself...
This week is all about getting closer to the engagement letter and completing the file review. Back in the first post, I mentioned that you should charge for this service. In the second post,...
In last week's post, it was all about how to handle your first attorney-client prospect. We talked all about what to say and what information to gather. You made...