Running a law firm involves a lot of responsibility, especially concerning finances. Handling client money requires accuracy, transparency, and perfect record-keeping. Hiring an IOLTA bookkeeper is...
In the fast-paced world of legal practice, attorneys often juggle numerous responsibilities, from managing client cases to staying up to date with changing laws and regulations. Amid these demands,...
If you're looking for legal technology software to help your law firm, this blog post is for you! We will review the two legal tech software programs we use and help you make the best decision for...
You are an attorney looking to start or grow a law practice. How do you determine whether you’re ready? Here are eight steps to follow to ensure that you’re prepared for...
As many of you know, I am somewhat known as "the LeanLaw girl,"--a title I wear with pride. And rightfully so. It is my favorite software for the legal industry. However, at our firm, we have...
Next up is a personal injury firm. Many personal injury attorneys I've spoken to have said, "My practice area is straightforward, and I don't need any external software because the trust...
There’s a lot I can say about immigration firms and accounting. Let’s start with the transaction volume. Like family law, there are many transactions for many exact and similar...
When working with clients who have the practice area of family law, several areas stand out that can be challenging. First of all, with this practice area, you will have a good volume of...
With so much going on for every client, it can be hard to stay on top of everything. In the past, I had a strict process that I developed to close out client files monthly. Now, we have a...